For this years New Years Eve party, we welcome back Michael Campari, with support from Russell Sinclair!
Michael Campari is something else. He does bear a passing resemblance to a young Frank, when sporting his tilted angle trilby, 50s style suit and shirt collar loosened at the neck – but his voice has a sensual deep rich tone all of its own, an amalgam of natural ability plus classical training (he studied Italian opera), aided by several years’ intake of nicotine. An incredibly soulful vocal delivery, a certain rock’n’roll edginess and hugely charismatic persona gives him the X factor in spades, which is why not only is he in huge demand as the ultimate wedding singer, it also looks as if he’ll be performing at next year’s Glastonbury Festival!’
A Rock Inn favourite, Russell Sinclair is a singer, guitarist and songwriter from Plymouth drawing influence from many different genres of music.
As well as writing and recording, Russell is building a great reputation for his energetic live guitar driven performances and is building an enthusiastic fan-base throughout the South West.
June 2015 sees the release of Russells debut album entitled "Bought & Sold", songs from which will be performed at various UK Blues festivals throughout the year. A small UK promotional tour is also scheduled following recent small tour successes in Holland and Germany.
Russell frequently performs with his band The Smokin' Locos - the personnel, roles and instruments within the band frequently change in keeping with the varied musical styles that are created. The passion, commitment and quality of the music being performed never changes. When not performing with the full band, Russell often performs solo or as a duo with harmonica accompaniment.
(*Strictly over 21's only, unless accompanied by family)
Pictures below - "Michael Campari & The Solar System" at Rockfest 2015